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Text File  |  1988-07-06  |  6KB  |  21 lines

  1. anthropos       a human being                                                                                       anthropology        anthropomorphous    anthropomorphize    anthropoid          anthropomorphic     misanthrope                                                                                         
  2. carnificare     to make fact; to make happen                                                                        carnage             carnal              charnel             carnate             incarnate           carnation           reincarnation       carnival            carnivorous                             
  3. creder          to trust; to believe                                                                                credence            credible            credit              creditor            credo               creed               accredit            discredit           incredulous         miscreant           
  4. donum           a gift; something given as a gift                                                                   donate              donation            condone             pardon              pardonable                                                                                                              
  5. flagrare        to flame; to burn brightly                                                                          flagrant            conflagration       fulgent             effulgent           refulgent           fulminate                                                                                           
  6. gratia          gratitude; something that merits gratitude                                                          disgrace            grace               grateful            gracious            ingrate             ingratiation        gratify             gratuitous          congratulate                            
  7. iter            journey; march; route                                                                               ambition            circuit             exit                initial             introit             itinerant           itinerary           obituary            sedition            transient           
  8. lithos          rock; a stone                                                                                       monolith            lithograph          lithology           lithotype                                                                                                                                   
  9. mercari         to trade (goods)                                                                                    merchant            merchandise         commerce            commercial          mercury             mercurial           mercenary                                                                       
  10. necro           dead; die; a corpse                                                                                 necrology           mecromancy          necropolis          necrotomy           necromania                                                                                                              
  11. oriri           to arise; to have a beginning; to spring up                                                         orient              oriental            orientation         disorient           origin              original            aborigine           abort                                                       
  12. philos          loving; fond of; to love                                                                            philanthropy        philology           philosophy          bibliophile         philanderer         Philadelphia        philatelist         philter                                                     
  13. praktikos       able; fit for; doing; active                                                                        practic             practical           practicable         practice            practitioner        chiropractic        impracticable       praxis              pragmatic           pragmatist          
  14. radix           a root                                                                                              radical             radish              race                eradicable          eradicate           root                                                                                                
  15. sanus           good health                                                                                         sane                sanity              insane              insanity            sanatorium          sanitary            santitation         sanitarium          insanitary                              
  16. similare        to copy; to represent exactly; to imitate                                                           simile              similar             similarity          assimilate          simulation          semblance           resemble            simultaneous        singular            simple              
  17. stringere       to draw tight; to contract                                                                          stringent           astringent          strict              strait              constriction        constraint          distress            prestigious         restrain            restrict            
  18. thesis          a thing placed; a statement                                                                         thesis              thematic            thesaurus           treasury            antithesis          epithet             hypothetical        parenthesis         prosthesis          synthesis           
  19. unda            water in motion; a wave                                                                             undulate            inundate            abound              abundance           redound             redundant           superabundance      surround            surroundings                            
  20. vivus           alive; living                                                                                       vivacious           vivid               vivify              ovoviviparous       vivisection         vitalize            convivial           revive              revival             survivor            